take a picture from anywhere else you like.zillow homes for rent in pocomoke md. how to share: take a picture from an angle you like from your house that all rooms included in it. The so-called "Sims game" is nothing like sims so adding such complex features like running buisness and having pets just like in Cats and Dogs wouldn't run very well on mobile devices The game itself revolves around players paying for stuff like energy, simoleons and sim cash.Hello, i started this topic in purpose of sharing Houses pictures and blueprints of sims houses so other players can inspire and also share their own ideas. Click on the sim you're moving out & transfer them over to the Unplayed column, they'll get $20k.The Sims Mobile team would never add this. Under that menu, choose Unplayed tab, then click the Create New Household button at the top.

0 Likes.Click the household you want to manage, then choose Transfer Sims Between Households. SIM cards don't hold pictures maybe transferred SD card try that maybe.